Our sweet Nora, one day old!
This is the official blog post about how our daughter entered our lives!
We have been super busy since her birthday but I am starting to feel "adjusted". Until tomorrow at least! And dont get me wrong, we are still super busy. I am starting this at 4 am on Saturday morning... When will it get posted? Time will tell.
We had a scheduled induction planned for Wednesday, September 5th (which IS when she was born) but it didn't go exactly as planned... Of course!
We checked into the hospital on Tuesday night with the official induction to begin in the morning. The medication the nurses started me on gave me contractions within an hour and my water ended up breaking on its own around 2:00 am that night! From then on, we just let things continue on their own.
Before heading to the hospital on Tuesday night...
By 7:00 am we knew we were getting closer so we called the family and by 11:00 we were ready for the big moment! She decided to make her debut face up, making things a little more difficult, but Nora Lane Peipert was born at 12:10 pm weighing 7 pounds, 12 ounces and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. Definitely the proudest and best moment of our lives!!
Moments after she was born... I love that little face!
Because we will probably never take another picture of her crying!
Snuggling with mama!
Proud daddy!
It was a busy few hours after that, but we finally made the move to our postpartum room with the excited grandparents and 2/3rds of the aunties! They were all SUPER happy to finally meet her and EXTRA super happy to hold her.
with Aunt Krista and Mimi
with Grandma Peipert
with Aunt Josie
with Pop
with Grandpa Peipert
We had lots of visitors and enjoyed sharing our new bundle of joy with them!
My team has been waiting (im)patiently for this moment for, well, years.
Heading home from the hospital!
Now Nora is 10 days old and mostly just sleeps and eats but it is amazing how much love we have for her after such a short time. As much as I am looking forward to the fun times ahead, I don't want to forget how precious she is now. I love how she grips onto our fingers when we touch her palm and how tiny her little toes are and how she will fall asleep in my arms or better yet, laying on my chest. Such a special time!
Nora Lane, one week old! What color will those little eyes be??
Just for fun, I took a video of her sleeping/dreaming... we love how she smiles in her sleep and can't wait for a "real" smile in the weeks to come!
Well, Sunday at 10:30 pm... not too bad! :)