Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

The week of Halloween was an absolute blur in the Peipert household.

I was looking forward to a great and busy week both at home and at school. Nora's costume was finished and ready to go. We had our pumpkins and candy. We had a photo session all scheduled out for Monday afternoon. But then I got a call on Monday from daycare saying Nora had a fever. Bummer!!

So, no pics and home I stayed on Tuesday. We visited the doctor and baby girl got started on antibiotics and so I thought we were good to go for the end of the week. 

She stayed with Grandma on Wednesday, hopefully to rest up and recover more, but she spiked a fever again! 

So when Halloween actually got here, Nora stayed home again, went to bed early, didn't get to participate in the Parade of Costumes at school, and actually didn't even put on her costume. 

(She ended up needing a bit stronger of an antibiotic to clear up her sinus infection, which got squared away on Friday, and now she is feeling much better!!)

Needless to say, it was not the most ideal Halloween for the family but at least she won't remember it... Mom and dad had a good time with friends and handed out candy, though! 

We did manage to squeeze in our photos with friends while she was on her original upswing which MADE Halloween for mom...  Check out these cuties!!!

My little Alice. 

The three kiddos in Wonderland!

They are the cutest!

Alice in Wonderland

Love her!!

Her new favorite face... 

All photos done by Leslie Eure. :)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Today we took a little family adventure to a pumpkin patch! We went to one of the few that I had heard great things about and I thought this one was just perfect. I can see us going here year after year. It's free, it has great pumpkins, it has food, and it has all the "fall fun" activities you need (for older kiddos, of course)!

Nora at the pumpkin patch!

Nora was a little apprehensive at first and stood still, clinging to daddy's leg. Then, she started pointing to all of the different pumpkins, and finally she decided it was okay to walk around and explore a little bit. But only a little bit. She insisted on holding one (or both) of our hands for most of the time. That actually means our finger. It's pretty sweet - she just grips really tight to a finger and walks around!

Checking out the pumpkins...

SUPER distracted. Couldn't get a single picture of her looking at me. 

She really liked the little pumpkins, but refused to try and hold one. It was only when I got the mini little pumpkin that she would hold it and play with it.

Little pumpkin love.

Pointing... pumpkin!

So, we walked around the pumpkins, checked out the corn field, picked out our pumpkins, and headed back home! It was a great little adventure.

Nora and daddy looking at the corn.

Nora and mommy!

Next year we will have TWO little pumpkins to show around the pumpkin patch... so exciting!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

One Year Photos

It still amazes me at how two years ago this December we began our journey into parenthood.

We were introduced to a fabulous photographer who helped us document the first year of Nora's life. Joy took our maternity pictures, and Nora's newborns and 6 month photos.

We have learned a lot about Nora through these photo shoots! I guess we should have known when she wanted to look at the camera throughout her whole newborn shoot that she would be a little ham and not camera shy at all. She braved the cool weather in March and proved she was a CHAMP and a doll at six months.

We just got Nora's one year photos back from Joy to wrap up the year! She is definitely a little cutie and the pictures are all adorable! I am in love with the "bath time" pictures that she took. They turned out great even though she was in her "I HATE BATH TIME" phase...

Here are some favorites! Family photos...

Here are some of Nora in her birthday tutu!

And the great bath time pictures!

Sooo sweet. Time to print off a whole bunch!!!