Friday, February 14, 2014

Be Mine

Valentine's Day was fun this year! 

The girls the week of Valentine's Day!

We had new little Janie to love on and Nora to have fun with.

Checking each other out...

Yay! Sisters!

Justin & I went to dinner and a movie alone over the weekend which was nice. We joked about maybe just napping in the car instead but dinner was yummy. We ate NUTELLA BREAD PUDDING for dessert and it was AMAZING. It came with coffee ice cream. Yum!

On Valentine's Day we had a cute little dinner and Nora got Valentine cards from her friends at school! I made a special breakfast of pink heart pancakes and bacon for everyone except Janie.

My two sweeties!

Love them to pieces...

Bacon roses for Justin

Chocolate strawberry cake explosion that still tasted so yummy!

Mommy & Janie

Mommy & Nora

Kisses from Nora

We love our sweet family!

Well, one is smiling.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow Day

It snowed this past week here in Texas! I went and picked up Nora early from school since the roads were supposed to get worse as the day went on and naturally we had to go outside to check out the snow. Luckily, Janie went down for a nap so we could go out together and have a little fun!

My little snow angel!

This was not Nora's first snow since it snowed last year on Christmas Day, but it was the first time she has ever gotten to walk around and "play" in it. 

Nora's first snowy day!

At school, they brought some snow inside for her to feel and eat, which I hear she loved! At home, we put on our boots and went out to explore a little bit. 

Checking out the snow...

Look! Ford played too!

Nora just walked around and around in her little boots. She didn't really do much "playing" as much as just exploring! 

It's cold!

After I realized we weren't going to be outside for just a few minutes, we both had to go back in to get better suited up!

And when the snow started turning to ice on the bottom of her boots as she walked, it was time to go inside (kicking and screaming I might add...)

I don't WANT to stop and take a picture!

These boots were made for walking (in snow).

We had a lot of fun!

Fun Times

Nora is super fun these days! Some day soon I really want to take her away for the day and enjoy spending time with just her. She is communicating more and curious about the world around her. It is a blast to hang out with her! But for now, I have another little one that needs me every three hours or so, so that makes it a little hard! Some of our fun lately...

Town Square as a family of four...

 Checking out the fountain.

Running back and forth between mommy & daddy!

Mouth full of food...

Playing at the park with Mimi, Pops, & Auntie A...

Not so sure about the swing...

What a cutie!

Nora LOVES slides. All slides.

Look at her gooooo!

Poor Mimi, chasing this little one around the playground...

My smiling little babe!

And the icing on the cake is that she is a sweetheart, too. Love my little Nora!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

One Month

It has been one whole month since we brought little miss Janie home from the hospital. Sometimes she still looks super tiny to me. But then other times I think she has grown so much and looks so big (compared to what she was...)! She seems to be filling out her newborn clothes a little too quickly. I know Nora wore them for about 2 months and I was assuming Janie would too, especially since she was a bit smaller, but Janie sure is putting on the pounds. Or getting taller, faster.

I have no idea how much Janie actually weighs, but I am thinking somewhere around 9 pounds. She is definitely able to fill up her little newborn diapers. Size 1 will be our next order! She is a tall girl, too. That's where we are having the most problems with fit on her newborn sized outfits - length.

Janie Elizabeth, one month old!

Since she is still a new little one, we are only seeing her awake for very short periods of time. It is hard to keep her up even an hour (including her nursing time). I know that she will start to wake up more, but it may be some time before she does I guess.

Things Janie does at one month:

Nurses every 3 hours during the day
Nurses once through the night
Can take a bottle
Uses her pacifier
Sleeps swaddled in the Mamaroo
Sleeps in her own room
Likes to look at ceiling fans
Makes little squeaky sounds
Grasps our fingers (and anything else her hand touches...)
Wears newborn diapers & clothing

Skinny little legs!

We tried the crib out for naps and even one night. She does alright during the day, but we've found that at night it is more of a challenge to get her in the crib. I guess we feel our sleep is too valuable to argue with her in the middle of the night about going to sleep in a new place. We've decided to wait until her sleep patterns are a little more regular and she sleeps a little longer through the night to try it again. I am thinking that next month we will give it another try.

So, for now she is sleeping in her swing at night. She has her hiccups, but she is consistently sleeping in about 5 hour stretches through the night. Last night she did one six hour stretch and it was AWESOME. I am not counting my lucky stars just yet though. So basically, she eats her "dinner" at 6:00-6:30 and then we do bath (a few times a week), pajamas, swaddle, and bed time at 7:00-7:30. I've been going to bed around 9:00 (sometimes a little earlier if I'm being honest!) and she gets up sometime between 10:00-11:00 for a late night snack. Then, it's just one more feeding until the morning. So, not too bad...

Sweet baby girl!