Janie is such a precious baby. She really is just the sweetest thing. I went back to work a few weeks ago and Nora has had to start getting up early again. She has had a bit of a hard time adjusting and is sometimes rather cranky in the morning... (where did she get that from???) I'll feed Janie and put her in her car seat, swing, or bouncy chair while I get Nora ready. And I'll be just focusing away on Nora and her fussiness and look over and there is Janie, just sitting quietly or sleeping peacefully. We're very thankful for that!
I love that we've hit that three month milestone and that Janie does not need as much of the soothing tricks that newborns do. Since she was two months old, she has made the following progress...
Eats every 3 hours during the day Janie is still on a three hour schedule, for the most part. She pretty much sticks to it, according to her baby school. I have seen her stretch out her feedings a little bit so she may be on a four hour schedule next month. We'll see!
Eats breast milk and some formula I started weening myself and Janie to bottle feedings the few weeks before I started work again. She is now taking 3 bottles during the day of formula and I have been able to keep nursing her for her additional 2 feedings, the first and last of the day. I am so happy that I have been able to sustain this feeding schedule with her. I knew that I couldn't handle pumping while working but I wanted to try and keep her nursing for as much as I could and as long as I could. Since it didn't work out for Nora, I didn't know what to expect for Janie. So far so good!
Eats 1 meal from a bottle Janie is now eating 3 meals from a bottle every day.
Sleeps through the night Janie has been consistently sleeping through the night for a solid 3-4 weeks now. We have been able to put her down after her last feeding, around 7:30 and she will go through the night until about 6:00. On weekdays, I have to wake her up then to feed her. On the weekends, we just let her go, but she doesn't usually sleep much longer than that anyways. On occasion she stirs some after we put her down or before 6:00 but we can usually count on 10-5 being totally uninterrupted! YES! And she never really took to the dream feed that we did with Nora so we have been very happy to have a long stretch of time that we can get sleep, too.
Sleeps swaddled in the swing I starting slowing down the swing after Janie had been consistently going through the night for a few weeks. Once she slept in the stationary swing for 2 nights and did naps in the crib, I decided it was time to try the crib for bedtime, too. That was a success!! She has been in her crib for one whole week and I am thrilled. She does stir a little easier in the morning, but we can usually keep her in bed until 6:00 when I have to get her up anyways.
Slept through the night for the first time in her crib!!
Loves a pacifier She still enjoys her pacifier when she is tired or kind of hungry, but she has started to ease off of it some. She does like to suck on her hands though. I swear she will get her whole fist in there one of these days. I can't quite remember when Nora stopped using hers, but it was around 3-4 months, so maybe we will get lucky again and Janie will prefer to just fall asleep without it.
Holds her head up with bobbles Man, Janie has got some strength! She holds her head up very well these days. She will even keep it level with her body when you pull her up to a sitting position. This babe has always been strong!
Lifts her chest & head up off the floor Janie even seems to push up off the floor during tummy time. She also rolls quite easily from her tummy to her back. I've been considering unswaddling her at bedtime since she looks like she could roll from her back to her tummy any day. She gets all the way on her side but just barely can't get all the way around. I'm impressed.
So strong!
Coos Janie has started talking some and we like to have conversations. She is so sweet!!!
Smiles at faces Janie smiles at people and sometimes objects and she especially loves her big sister. She even looks like she might laugh sometimes. We've found that she is a little ticklish and smiles and flinches a little when you tickle her ribs.
I can grab my feet, too!
Tracks objects and people Once Janie was following me when I walked away and it was like she tried to turn her head all the way around. She loves mommy!
Wears size 1 diapers I went ahead and ordered up the last time we got diapers because this baby is growing fast. She has to be around 12 pounds.
Wears 0-3 month clothing Janie is pretty tall. She is still in her 0-3 month clothes, but only because the 3-6 month things swallow her. She may not have a choice soon though, as she is tall enough that it might cause problems with fit pretty quick!
So here's her three month wrap-up...
Eats every 3 hours during the day
Nurses morning and night
Sleeps through the night in her crib
Sleeps swaddled at night
Sucks on her hands
Keeps her head steady
Pushes up on tummy
Rolls from tummy to back
Grabs her feet
Smiles & "almost" laughs
Wears size 2 diapers
Wears 0-3 month clothing