Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Nora

Last Thanksgiving Nora was not quite three months old and although fun, it was not quite the same as having a toddler running around!

Nora at Thanksgiving 2012

I will eat my turkey!!!!

I couldn't help myself... these were all so cute.

Nora's first Thanksgiving! So little.

In the morning, we enjoyed watching some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on TV! We stayed in our pajamas in the morning and Nora was super cuddly (she needed an early nap) but I didn't mind. She would even dance to some of the music. So sweet.

Mommy & Nora in pajamas!



While she napped, I got food ready and Auntie K and Collin came over to do the same. This year we all celebrated together at Grandma & Grandpa Peipert's house. We had lots of yummy food and I drank lots of sparkling Grape-Cranberry juice.

Nora & Mommy

Nora with Pops & Mimi

Giggle bug.

Nora & Grandma

Nora enjoyed eating her very first Thanksgiving meal. Earlier in the day she was signing that she was hungry and also bird, so I thought "How appropriate!!" As it turns out, she didn't each too much of the turkey itself. I think her favorite things from the meal were the rolls and the corn casserole. And the spoon itself, of course.


Nora spent the rest of the day running around and being down right cute. We tried to get some pictures but she didn't want to sit still so much.

My little cutie.

Pops eating pumpkin pie!

It was an all-around great day!

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