Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow Days

I thought we were in the clear for the snow and ice but then... late in February we got hit with a round of sleet & ice. It was a pretty unusual week - we had two days at home and then a late start the next day only to turn around and get more bad weather and leave early from school.

But that wasn't all! We missed another day in MARCH for snow. The second time around we got beautiful white fluffy snow. I was over it by then and just ready for spring break to come.

I took the girls outside to play in the snow & ice for only a short while. Janie loved walking around in it but she already had a bit of a cold (and probably an ear infection) and really didn't need to be out for very long. And although Nora wanted to continue to build snowmen, she didn't actually want to touch the snow. So therefore, I would be building snowmen. And I wasn't really wanting to do that much. So after one, we came inside and had some hot chocolate.

I enjoyed the easy day home with the girls!

Janie in the snow!

Best I could get with them both.

Nora in the snow!

Having fun.

Catching snowflakes!

Trying to get it off of her gloves. 

Nora's snowman.

She named him Frosty!

We snuggled on the couch! Everyone had to sit on TOP of mommy...

And Nora chooses to watch movies with her sunglasses on... apparently.

On to warmer weather, please!

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