Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July Happenings

July has been busy and fun!

I have been working on my two BIG projects:

1. Getting things ready for baby at home.

2. Getting things ready for students at school.

Now that it is almost August and we're roughly 5 1/2 weeks away from the due date, I am finally starting to feel like these big projects are getting somewhere.

The nursery is really coming along and basically ready. I am refusing to say it's "finished" since I am feeling like there is still some work to be done with organization, but it is definitely ready and able to be used!

I worked on a few crafty projects in there over the last few weeks...

Exhibit A: Drawer Organizers

Definitely nesting in full swing...

Exhibit B: Burp Cloths

I've been holding on to these cloth diapers and fabric for months and 
just now got around to actually sewing them together.
I was super proud of my sewing skills, since I really have none.
It took me an hour just to figure out how to thread the needle. HA!

Exhibit C: Mobile

No sewing involved!!
 Unlike the burp cloths, this took me ALL day to make. 
Kind of hard on the pregnant hips!

A few other July happenings...

We started childbirth classes! 
We have one more and I can't decide whether they are 
making me feel more prepared or just more scared. 
I am imagining I will get to the point where I won't 
be as freaked out by the hospital and I'll just be "ready".

We decided on a pediatrician!

We pre-registered at the hospital!
Now I guess we will officially be ready when Nora is...

We took maternity pictures!
Can't wait to see them and share them!

And I learned what Ford does all day while we are working... poor reindeer.


And that's all for now! I'm going to see what else I can accomplish this evening while I have the energy...

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