Such a sweetie!
This month has gone by so fast. We've been enjoying our summer together (not getting things checked off the checklist...) and I can't believe that we have just 6 more weeks until reality sets back in!
Pulling all the books out like we like to do...
We love our books!
I am really loving Nora's age, though I can honestly say that about every "stage" she's gone through so far. I love how social she is and even though her newfound clingy-ness can be troublesome, it has it's upsides, too. We were definitely blessed with one sweet, happy little girl!
Little thing won't sit still for very long. Makes for a difficult photo shoot!
Updates since nine months:
recognizes her name Also we have selective hearing.
knows mommy, daddy, and Ford (looks when asked) I believe she also recognizes a few other words. I'm pretty sure she knows more and eat. Ya know, the essentials.
talks to other people and self I think Nora is either growing into a shyer personality-type or she is just at an age where strangers are not cool anymore. She did wave randomly at a stranger while walking around in her stroller today but other than that, I cannot get her to talk, smile, wave, or really show any reaction towards people she doesn't know well. She does like to do her fair share of talking at home, but she is definitely different around other people. She has also started chewing on her fingers. It makes her look shy though maybe she is just enjoying chewing on something.
says "dada" and other babbles (no "mama" yet) Lots of dada still. She does say a lot of other sounds, but I am still waiting for that distinct "mama". Some day soon, I am hoping! (I am really trying to persuade her. Every day, all day.)
eats three meals a day I think we have safely graduated to only finger foods at meal times. She still doesn't eat much and can be selective a lot of times. I never know how much or how little she will eat. It is a pretty safe bet that she will eat some fruit, though!
takes two naps a day I am not looking forward to the day when we start day care and only nap once a day. She really enjoys her two naps. We'll see how it goes in a month or so!
sleeps all night Nora is such a great sleeper! She is starting to snuggle a whole lot right before nap times and bed time. It is the cutest thing. She will lay her head down on my shoulder and just be still. I enjoy it a little too much. When we do put her down, she really does not like it. This may be part of her age or personality... not sure... but either way it is awful. She cries as soon as you put her in the crib and just looks at you with sad, sad eyes as you walk out the door, trying to reassure her that you do in fact love her dearly. She always calms down quickly and falls asleep with no problem, but that doesn't make it easier!
climbs stairs (up only) I don't trust her on stairs by herself or anything, but Nora has mastered the art of going both up and down the stairs. She wanted to go down head first when she first was interested in going down stairs, but after just a few times of showing her, she now knows that she has to turn around and go down on her tummy. Does she have perfect aim? No. Half the time she tries to go down the stairs, she is scooting in a completely different direction than the actual stairs. But yes, she does know what to do! She has also used this technique to get off of laps, chairs, and couches.
doesn't want to be left alone to play This has not changed. At all. We have resorted to giving her more space to roam around (the kitchen/living area) which isn't exactly baby proofed 100% so she has to be watched closely. And usually every few minutes I will have two little hands clinging to my legs because she wants to be held. It's no wonder I don't get much done around the house!
doesn't want to be left alone to nap (slight separation anxiety??) This is the same as well, as noted above. Ugh. I hate it! So sad.
What Nora does at ten months:
waves on occasion
smiles, squeals, giggles, and talks
shy around strangers
prefers to be held, especially by mommy
explores the house
snuggles before sleeping
stands with support, climbs, and creeps
stands alone on occasion (accidentally)
eats lots of different finger foods
drinks 4 bottles a day
loves her water bottle
reaches and points
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