Sunday, December 22, 2013

Pre-Christmas Fun

It only makes sense to have lots and lots of Christmas music & festivities before Christmas itself! We have been enjoying Christmas at the Peipert house for SURE.


I enjoyed watching Nora's class sing "Jingle Bells" at their holiday music performance, even though she did not do as we practiced (nor did any of them, really!!).

Hi jingle baby!

We have been rocking the holiday garb for the last few weeks.

Hopefully Santa still loves me after I screamed at him!

Some giggles never hurt!

We have been snuggling and trying to watch as many Christmas movies as we can. (Okay, this hasn't happened THAT much but I wish it happened more!)

Snack time and Christmas movies!

We enjoyed dinner and spending time with cousin Hunter at Grandma and Grandpa's house the weekend before Christmas! We exchanged gifts and had a great time!

Oh, presents you say??

Opening gifts!

Check out my new slide! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!

Playing the piano with Auntie J and cousin Hunter.

We are looking forward to Christmas!

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