Saturday, April 16, 2016

April Fun

Just to update on some of the fun we've had in April...

Mimi & Pops took the girls to a little carnival one afternoon. We were busy with something, moving or house hunting maybe? Both girls appear to have had a blast riding what they were allowed on for height!

Nora is up there with Pops!

We celebrated cousin Amy's birthday at Babes!

My long-time girlfriend Christy moved back to North Dakota!! We sent her off with a going away party. I love seeing these great ladies!

Pops and I took the girls to the dragon baseball game. We waited forever for popcorn & they did surprising well for staying up past their bedtime!

Waiting for popcorn.

Ready in our dragon dresses!

We celebrated a house contract with ice cream! Or maybe I just needed an excuse to get ice cream because the girls didn't really know any different...

We are looking forward to more fun this spring!

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