Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend is such a nice little preview for what summer will bring! This year we had a four day weekend since the school district backed up a bad weather day to the front side of it. We didn't use it, hence four days off! The girls went to school as usual on Friday so that I could have a little much-needed mommy time. When Memorial Day rolled around, we were ready to enjoy the pool!

This is about how well pictures go these days!

The girls wanted to take a try at their bikes, which went surprisingly better than I thought it would. Nora is getting better at riding with her training wheels {it has been quite the struggle}. Her coordination must be improving because we definitely have not been practicing enough for her to get that much better. Janie could still use some practice, even at the tricycle!!

Nora riding her bike.

Janie riding her tricycle... and getting frustrated!

We ended up going over to Michael's parents house to swim & have a nice dinner. This was our first experience in the pool since taking swim lessons and I learned a lot about what the kids are more comfortable with while in the water. Overall, it was a fun afternoon spent with family!

Wearing our red, white, and blue... of course!

Playing around in the pool!

Hanging out with Mimi!

We remember on this day and are thankful for all the men and women who have given their lives to protect our freedoms. It is not taken for granted and it does not go forgotten. God Bless America!

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