Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Season

We hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!!

We've been busy celebrating the season with family & friends!

We did Christmas Eve Eve brunch with the Peiperts, Amy & Hunter, and Kim & Marie. 

Nora fell asleep holding Grandpa's hand at brunch. 

We got together on Christmas Eve with Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Josie. Nora was a good little girl! Then, we went to my favorite church service of the whole year... Christmas Eve by candle light! Nora looked darling but I didn't take any pictures. 

Nora loved her new toy/seat from Grandma & Grandpa! 

She's checking out that little bug... 

Fun with Grandma on Christmas Eve.

We all put on our Christmas pajamas and went to bed so Santa would come... Then woke up and opened gifts on Christmas morning!

Nora and mommy on Christmas morning! 

Gotta kiss those cheeks... 

Nora & daddy with a little bit of Ford, too! 

Nora's Christmas pajamas! 

Thanks, Santa! 

Nora loved her headband from Laine!

We went over to see Drew, Leslie & Griffin for Christmas breakfast & then got ready to head over to Mimi & Pops' house. We are so blessed to be surrounded by loving family & friends. Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!

We are looking forward to seeing Gr3 & the rest of our Illinois/Indiana family in a week or so!!

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