Friday, February 14, 2014

Be Mine

Valentine's Day was fun this year! 

The girls the week of Valentine's Day!

We had new little Janie to love on and Nora to have fun with.

Checking each other out...

Yay! Sisters!

Justin & I went to dinner and a movie alone over the weekend which was nice. We joked about maybe just napping in the car instead but dinner was yummy. We ate NUTELLA BREAD PUDDING for dessert and it was AMAZING. It came with coffee ice cream. Yum!

On Valentine's Day we had a cute little dinner and Nora got Valentine cards from her friends at school! I made a special breakfast of pink heart pancakes and bacon for everyone except Janie.

My two sweeties!

Love them to pieces...

Bacon roses for Justin

Chocolate strawberry cake explosion that still tasted so yummy!

Mommy & Janie

Mommy & Nora

Kisses from Nora

We love our sweet family!

Well, one is smiling.

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