Monday, March 31, 2014

Three Months

Happy three month birthday to our baby girl!!


Janie is such a precious baby. She really is just the sweetest thing. I went back to work a few weeks ago and Nora has had to start getting up early again. She has had a bit of a hard time adjusting and is sometimes rather cranky in the morning... (where did she get that from???) I'll feed Janie and put her in her car seat, swing, or bouncy chair while I get Nora ready. And I'll be just focusing away on Nora and her fussiness and look over and there is Janie, just sitting quietly or sleeping peacefully. We're very thankful for that!

I love that we've hit that three month milestone and that Janie does not need as much of the soothing tricks that newborns do. Since she was two months old, she has made the following progress...

Eats every 3 hours during the day Janie is still on a three hour schedule, for the most part. She pretty much sticks to it, according to her baby school. I have seen her stretch out her feedings a little bit so she may be on a four hour schedule next month. We'll see!

Eats breast milk and some formula I started weening myself and Janie to bottle feedings the few weeks before I started work again. She is now taking 3 bottles during the day of formula and I have been able to keep nursing her for her additional 2 feedings, the first and last of the day. I am so happy that I have been able to sustain this feeding schedule with her. I knew that I couldn't handle pumping while working but I wanted to try and keep her nursing for as much as I could and as long as I could. Since it didn't work out for Nora, I didn't know what to expect for Janie. So far so good!

Eats 1 meal from a bottle Janie is now eating 3 meals from a bottle every day. 

Sleeps through the night Janie has been consistently sleeping through the night for a solid 3-4 weeks now. We have been able to put her down after her last feeding, around 7:30 and she will go through the night until about 6:00. On weekdays, I have to wake her up then to feed her. On the weekends, we just let her go, but she doesn't usually sleep much longer than that anyways. On occasion she stirs some after we put her down or before 6:00 but we can usually count on 10-5 being totally uninterrupted! YES! And she never really took to the dream feed that we did with Nora so we have been very happy to have a long stretch of time that we can get sleep, too. 

Sleeps swaddled in the swing I starting slowing down the swing after Janie had been consistently going through the night for a few weeks. Once she slept in the stationary swing for 2 nights and did naps in the crib, I decided it was time to try the crib for bedtime, too. That was a success!! She has been in her crib for one whole week and I am thrilled. She does stir a little easier in the morning, but we can usually keep her in bed until 6:00 when I have to get her up anyways. 

Slept through the night for the first time in her crib!!

Loves a pacifier She still enjoys her pacifier when she is tired or kind of hungry, but she has started to ease off of it some. She does like to suck on her hands though. I swear she will get her whole fist in there one of these days. I can't quite remember when Nora stopped using hers, but it was around 3-4 months, so maybe we will get lucky again and Janie will prefer to just fall asleep without it. 

Holds her head up with bobbles Man, Janie has got some strength! She holds her head up very well these days. She will even keep it level with her body when you pull her up to a sitting position. This babe has always been strong! 

Lifts her chest & head up off the floor Janie even seems to push up off the floor during tummy time. She also rolls quite easily from her tummy to her back. I've been considering unswaddling her at bedtime since she looks like she could roll from her back to her tummy any day. She gets all the way on her side but just barely can't get all the way around. I'm impressed. 

So strong!

Coos Janie has started talking some and we like to have conversations. She is so sweet!!!

Smiles at faces Janie smiles at people and sometimes objects and she especially loves her big sister. She even looks like she might laugh sometimes. We've found that she is a little ticklish and smiles and flinches a little when you tickle her ribs.

I can grab my feet, too!

Tracks objects and people Once Janie was following me when I walked away and it was like she tried to turn her head all the way around. She loves mommy! 

Wears size 1 diapers I went ahead and ordered up the last time we got diapers because this baby is growing fast. She has to be around 12 pounds. 

Wears 0-3 month clothing Janie is pretty tall. She is still in her 0-3 month clothes, but only because the 3-6 month things swallow her. She may not have a choice soon though, as she is tall enough that it might cause problems with fit pretty quick!

So here's her three month wrap-up...

Eats every 3 hours during the day
Nurses morning and night
Sleeps through the night in her crib
Sleeps swaddled at night
Sucks on her hands
Keeps her head steady
Pushes up on tummy
Rolls from tummy to back
Grabs her feet
Smiles & "almost" laughs
Wears size 2 diapers
Wears 0-3 month clothing

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

We didn't get pinched today!

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2014!

Friday, March 14, 2014


Nora was born with hair and quite a bit of it. She has always had hair, but it was a little wild at times! Lately, I've been able to start doing her hair in new ways and it's been so fun! I can't believe how long her hair is now... I was looking back at pictures and I feel as if her hair's evolution can be appreciated in a blog post, all it's own...

Nora had a good amount of dark brown hair when she was born. Everyone at the hospital loved it and said she looked like the Gerber baby. When they gave her a bath for the first time, the nurses even did her hair in a little curly-Q just like the Gerber baby on the packaging.


I loved that Nora had so much hair! I put headbands in it all the time and thought it was just the cutest thing EVER!

Baby Nora's dark brown hair.

But... babies sleep on their backs and therefore rub off a bunch of hair on the back and sides. Plus, I think she may have lost a bit of hair in general. So, after a few months of that, we ended up with a little bit of a toupee-like hair do - long on top, barely there on the sides, and bald in back! Her hair was also starting to get a little bit lighter than it was when she was born.

Nora, around 4 months old.

Well, around then she also started to roll over and not sleep on her back as much so the hair rubbing stopped, but the damage was already done. She was cute nonetheless and we just embraced the strange hair-do. She eventually started growing her hair back in the bald spots.

Nora's 6 month photo!

But the hair evolution continued. The mop top kept on growing and became curly! 

Nora is frustrated.

See the back of her baldie head?

And the top. And look... baby Janie!

I thought about cutting it so many times!! But just didn't. Or couldn't. Doesn't matter.

Top curls.

See that hair hanging down???

It really reached it's peak when Nora was 9-10 months old. It would look like ringlets on top and just plain crazy! Plus, she wouldn't let me put headbands in any more! She figured out how to yank them out. Every time. So we just went with crazy.

4th of July - 10 months old

What a chunk!

It must have been humid...

I have LOTS more of where those came from! 

So finally I could start to put a little ponytail in without it looking like I'd shaved the sides of her head around when she was around one year old, maybe a little after. And she turned out to be a bit of a blondie!

Now, we have to get that hair up and out of her face every day! Luckily she has gotten used to me doing it and will usually sit through one or two ponytails. She will even keep a little bow in (for the most part). No headbands yet, though!

I've even managed to get one large ponytail in her hair! It doesn't stay well but it is exciting (for mommy at least)!

And you don't want to know what happens if we don't do her hair. Or worse - if it comes out! Or do you...?

And then there's always Auntie K's hair we can borrow when we need to...

I still haven't cut her hair. Not sure when I will! And since Janie is a bit of a baldie I don't think we will be visiting the salon for either of the girls for a while. So until then, we will watch and wait!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Janie's Baptism

We had Janie baptized on March 9th, which also happens to be Justin's birthday!

Sweet, sweet little Janie

We had a great time celebrating with family and friends. My Grandpa Gruben was in town so that made it extra special. We really missed having Godmother Auntie Josie with us!

Love our little family!

Godmother Auntie Amy

with Grandma & Grandpa

with Mimi, Pops & Great Grandpa Gruben

I really enjoyed seeing MY grandpa interact with the girls. Nora really liked his notepad and pen, which he always keeps in his pocket, and Grandpa Gruben was nice enough to let her draw in it! I do not know how he had FOUR kids under the age of 6... 

A visit from Great Grandpa Gruben

Four generations of Grubens, part two! 
The last time we were together was at Nora's baptism, about a year ago!

Mommy & Daddy are so happy that God gave us you, Janie!

Daddy & Janie

Mommy & Janie

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Little Helper

One of the big things that happened to Nora since her last update at 15 months was that she became a big sister!!

I went into labor before Janie's due date so I wasn't expecting her arrival, but luckily we had spent the entire day before Janie's birthday as a family. We went shopping and to lunch and took care of some errands knowing that we needed to get things done.

Sweet Nora the day before Janie's birthday!

Love my big girl...

We couldn't be more proud of how Nora has been with Janie. She has exceeded our expectations as to how she would react to and treat a new baby. It seemed like she didn't even need to be told how to help with a newborn. She rocked Janie and tried to give her a pacifier whenever she cried... or whenever she wasn't... She brings me every single "baby" thing she can find - burp cloths, blankets, pacifiers, bibs, toys, etc. She is quite the little helper!

Trying to put in Janie's pacifier.

Rocking Janie in the car seat.

We put Janie in the car seat as part of our morning routine - can you tell??

But now, she even does more. She tries to pick up Janie (unsuccessfully, thank goodness), likes to "play" with her (heavily supervised), and enjoys talking to her while she sits in her car seat or in the Bumbo seat. She knows where Janie's room is and likes to go in to get her up from naps. She giggles with excitement whenever we go in to get her. She says "shhh" when she knows Janie is sleeping, even when we are on the opposite side of the house. She likes to watch her on the monitor. She will say "Jay-Jay?" and point to her when she starts crying in another room. She likes to point out the parts of the body that she knows on her (which is a lot...). She knows how to be gentle (usually).

Taking care of the soother.

She is a phenomenal big sister!!

My shirt says big sister!

It will be so fun to see how she interacts with Janie as they both get older. I'm sure we will need to continue to watch closely but Nora's face lights up when Janie smiles at her so I can only imagine what will happen when she eventually reacts to something that Nora does. Yay for sweet sisters!

Snuggling with both sweet girls.

Eighteen Months

My big girl Nora is now one and a half years old!! I don't think I'm going to be allowed to count in months anymore...

Nora & daddy - I love this shot taken by our sweet friend!!

Uh oh! I'm growing too fast!

For her half birthday, I decided to keep her home from school with Janie and me. We hung out with Auntie K in the morning, ran a few errands, ate brunch at Mimi's Cafe, and let Nora take a good, long nap in her own bed.

We had her well check in the afternoon at the doctor's office. I had no doubt in my mind that she was growing because she has started wearing 2T clothes. Some of them are still too big and some fit just right but the 18 month clothing is definitely snug and short. She is a tall girl! Her official stats...

 Sweet Nora, 18 months

WEIGHT: 25 pounds
HEIGHT: 32 1/2 inches

Nora seemed to hate getting her vitals taken more than getting a shot. She apparently does not like strangers touching her. I guess that means she's normal! 

Updates since her 15 month post:

Uses social gestures, like waving, pointing, and "where" Nora continues to tell us the things that she wants and needs using her hands and sometimes her words. She likes to nod her head yes when she thinks you know what she wants (and when you only sometimes do). She will basically point or look at something and start nodding as if to say, "Yes, I would like you to take off my other shoe." or "Yes, I would like to play on the iPad."

Uses words she hears often She has started talking quite a bit more. She can use a word by itself but hasn't started putting multiple words together quite yet. She is getting a little bit better at saying words that have more than one syllable. She has started to pick up on the differences in words and tries to use them. (ex. Daddy has become more like "daddy" than "dada".) She often times repeats what we say with her version of the word. Then there are times when she is just babbling away, telling stories that make entirely no sense at all! You can tell when she is really comfortable somewhere because she starts to get very "chatty". It's hard to believe that just a few months ago she was only using a few words!

Uses lots of sign language Nora is still using lots of sign language when talking with us. She usually combines a word with a sign. She learns lots of new sign at school! It's amazing to me that I can show her once or twice and she will use it after that. I hope that means she will be a quick learner later in life, too!

Builds with different blocks and toys Nora is good at stacking but she doesn't choose this type of play much any more. She is more into puzzles. She will sit and play with puzzles and sorting toys for long periods of time! As long as you are sitting close, that is...

Working on a puzzle!

Loves sorter toys Nora is getting very good at her sorting toys! She mostly plays with them and her kitchen foods. She likes to go "shopping" with a gift bag and just walk it around. She will pack it up and then say "bye". She has associated packing a bag with leaving the house!

Nora with her bag and accessories - "bye!"

Loves her accessories Nora is warming back up to bows. She still won't wear a headband for me! She very much enjoys putting on necklaces, sunglasses and purses. But only for a minute. Then she takes them off. But only for a minute. Then she wants them back on. It's a vicious cycle.


Rockin' the sunglasses.

Janie's not in love with them yet...

Enjoys music and plays on the piano Nora likes to listen to music in the car and dance! I've noticed that she is starting to imitate me when I dance in the car, too. She is very observant! It's a good thing I have killer dance moves...

Walks and runs around It's super cute to see her walk around on a mission. Once she had decided she's going to do something, she will march around to get it done - throwing away a tissue, getting a book, bringing you a magnet, etc. She also loves to play "chase" whether you want to participate in the game or not. She especially likes to run away when you want to get something from her that she should not have... stinker.

Speaking of stinker... She tried to undress herself I guess!

Mastered the stairs I'm still not comfortable with her going up and down alone because now she wants to carry things up and down when she goes. Luckily, she does prefer that someone carries her. If I offer, she is eager to jump up and let me carry her. I am happy to do it mostly because it takes about six times as long if I let her go up and down on her own. And that is a long time for Janie to get worked up about whatever Janie may be working herself up about (food, nap, ya know...)

Eats table foods We're trying to get Nora in the habit of eating what we put in front of her. She has been a little less persistent about getting her own food out of the pantry and the fridge so I think we've been more successful with that. She still has days where she doesn't want what we put in front of her at all, but she doesn't seem to mind not eating much for some meals. We have decided she needs to drink less milk, so that may help with her appetite. She's definitely not starved - in the 80th percentile for weight!

Checking out the insides of her green beans.

Tries to eat with utensils Nora has gotten very good with her spoon. She will scoop up her little beans or yogurt or whatever and make it to her mouth with the food. I call that a success. It's not very CLEAN but it is nonetheless a success. She sometimes prefers to eat with utensils which makes for interesting meals.

Eating with her spoon!

Drinks milk & water from sippy cups She continues to drink all fluids from cups. She uses her hard spout sippy cup as well as a cup with a straw. She tried to drink out of a regular cup once or twice and had no idea what she was doing, though it was entertaining!

Has 10 teeth Not too many new teeth these last few months. She did get one on the bottom and it's opposite bottom tooth has just broken through, so if you count that she has two more. I think the canines will come in soon, but her teeth can take FOREVER to come in so who knows. I am looking forward to seeing her with a full smile!

Smiling sweetie.

Words Nora says:

"mama" - Mommy
"dada" - Daddy
"Jay-Jay" - Janie
"Ah K" - Auntie K
"Paw" - Pops
(basically will repeat anyone's name in her own way)
"aaa duuuu" - all done
''up-ah" - up (figured it out!)
no (no variation there...)
"hah" - hot
"snah" - snack
"nah" - milk (??)
"chess" - cheese
"caca" - cracker
"shhhh" - shoe
"dah" - sock
"oh oh" - uh oh
"ooo" - ew
"wooh" - woah
"caa caa" - quack quack/duck
body parts - from nose to thumb... she's got 'em down!

Words Nora signs:

all done

There's probably more to those lists, but I figure next time I update it won't be necessary since she will be talking so much (I'm hoping at least!) She learns new words all the time and is always trying to say new things. 

Nora's silly faces.

We love our sweet Nora so much!