Sunday, March 9, 2014

Janie's Baptism

We had Janie baptized on March 9th, which also happens to be Justin's birthday!

Sweet, sweet little Janie

We had a great time celebrating with family and friends. My Grandpa Gruben was in town so that made it extra special. We really missed having Godmother Auntie Josie with us!

Love our little family!

Godmother Auntie Amy

with Grandma & Grandpa

with Mimi, Pops & Great Grandpa Gruben

I really enjoyed seeing MY grandpa interact with the girls. Nora really liked his notepad and pen, which he always keeps in his pocket, and Grandpa Gruben was nice enough to let her draw in it! I do not know how he had FOUR kids under the age of 6... 

A visit from Great Grandpa Gruben

Four generations of Grubens, part two! 
The last time we were together was at Nora's baptism, about a year ago!

Mommy & Daddy are so happy that God gave us you, Janie!

Daddy & Janie

Mommy & Janie

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