Sunday, September 28, 2014

September Moments

September is a very busy month with the beginning of a new school year for mom and kids. I've been able to stay home the last two weekends without going in for kindergarten prep and I've really enjoyed that. After Nora's party things got slightly less busy and we've been able to relax a bit more on the weekends when Justin is in town. He has been traveling to Austin for work all this month. We are still hopeful for a local project to begin so he can be home all week, but it hasn't happened yet.

We have been having some good fun with the girls both at home and out and about. Some fun September moments have been...


We decided to go on the free Friday night. It was a day that Nora didn't nap but 45 minutes and Janie was her usual tired self at that time of night, but we just went for it. After eating (a game changer) we were able to walk around and enjoy a few of the kid areas as well as just spend some time outside together. Nora liked the legos and the tricycles and Janie liked snuggling in the stroller with her blanket.

A lego truck!


Mimi & Pops visited Nora at her daycare for Grandparents Day. They had milk & cookies and a story time. I am sure Nora loved the special attention from them, as she usually does.

How cute are they!


We took the girls to the Homecoming Parade & Carnival which turned out to be pretty cute! Nora thought the dragon mascot was an alligator and got a souvenir football and Janie was impressed with all the sounds & lights. We didn't much of the carnival "stuff" but Nora did look tempted to get on a trampoline. Maybe next year...

Nora watching the parade!


It is officially football season! We love it! I had to order some more burnt orange for the littles so they could be prepared. Nora has been practicing her "Eyes of Texas" song and her "hook 'em" sign. Janie has already mastered the art of looking adorable in burnt orange.

Janie and mommy. Go horns!

Not her best performance, but not too shabby for 2.

And just for fun, a picture of sweet Nora with her favorite baby Jo:

Let me just tell you how excited I am for October. I'm already planning some fun family outings - pumpkins, Oktoberfest, and corn mazes - OH MY! And can it please FEEL like fall??

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