Saturday, November 28, 2015


Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends & family!

Justin and I both had the entire week off and we really enjoyed spending time at home, together, and with the kids. We did utilize one day of childcare this week to get a head start on some home projects and Christmas shopping, but otherwise were home as a family.

The girls and I joined Mimi & Pops, Auntie K & Michael for the Peanuts Movie one day. Then, of course, we had to go get ice cream. Nora picked BLUE ice cream and Janie just shared some of mine. We got Milwaukee Joe's REAL ice cream and it was yummmmmy.

Ready for a movie!

Blue ice cream, sprinkles on cone.

Shoulders: a favorite place to sit!

Blurry!! Shared photo from family.

Two happy girls!

We were able to get together with some dear friends of mine from high school. You know, those friends you have where it doesn't seem to matter how long between your visits, you feel like you can pick up right where you left off? All of our kids ran around and played together and we had a great time catching up and meeting everyone's significant others.

Of course, we also ate lots of yummy Thanksgiving food with our close family. We enjoyed relaxing and some football, too.

A rare family shot. 

I'm finding it harder to take decent pictures of both girls together...

So you make do with what you get!

We hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones! We feel very thankful for the many wonderful people in our lives. We are looking forward to a great December!

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