Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Welcome Christmas

December is upon us and that means Christmas is around the corner! Lots of excitement starts to brew...

We get down the decorations the week of Thanksgiving. I do try to wait until the weekend after, but it's so tempting while you have that time throughout the week to get it up! So, the tree goes up. The reindeer, the stockings, the Santas, the advent tree, etc. This year we had to explain to Nora how the decorations were only staying up until Christmas. We will see how well that conversation stuck when we go to take them down.

The girls have always been pretty good about the Christmas tree. They sometimes get a little curious and test the limits by touching an ornament they shouldn't, but not too often. We have a set of plastic gemstone ornaments that I let the girls put on all by themselves and then they can play with those all throughout the season. They also have a few beaded candy cane ornaments to play with. So they pretty much leave the fancy ones alone. {By fancy, I mean breakable. Isn't that the same thing??} As you can imagine, some areas about two feet up on the tree are pretty full of those little crystal ornaments, but they love it and the system works for us. The girls also have a basket of Christmas books, stuffed animals, and toys, along with their nativity, that stays out by the tree for them to play with and look at.

Little elves, ready to help! 

Janie helping to decorate the tree.

Nora helping out!

Sweet sisters.

All done! Ready for a Merry Christmas!

For me, I start making lists in my head. I love lists, so this isn't all bad. I've already been looking into fun things we can do with the girls both at home and out. There are so many things! So little time... Also, lists of who we should find or make gifts for, send Christmas cards to, school holiday to-do's, etc. It's a busy time of year and I like to stay organized, people.

One thing we did this year for the first time was go to the tree lighting in Southlake Town Square. It was a lot bigger than I expected and it happened to be one of the colder nights we have had so far this fall/winter but the girls liked it. There were even fireworks!

In front of the tree. Someone was getting tired!

Checking out the pretty lights!

It's officially time to count down when December actually begins! We start our advent tree {one ornament a day, unless you're Nora and like to put them all on in hopes that Christmas will come sooner...} and our North Pole elf, Evie, makes her appearance! She typically brings books, pajamas, and other fun finds to help us get in the Christmas spirit.

Hello, Evie!

Welcome Christmas basket, with new shirts & jammies. 
The star is to top the advent tree!

Janie wastes no time getting started on the books.

We're welcoming Christmas in the Peipert home!

"Welcome Christmas, bring your cheer. Welcome all Who's far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be, just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand." -- Theodor S. Geisel | The Grinch

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