Saturday, May 21, 2016

Zoo Day

It has been raining a lot this month, but the temperatures have been more mild than they usually are in May. We decided to try and take a trip to the Fort Worth Zoo as a family on a weekend when the weather cooperated and this weekend was it!

We went first thing in the morning and were able to see most of the zoo before nap time. I know they open an hour early some days in June and I will look forward to going then to try to get even more time in before the girls reach their limit for the morning.

The girls loved seeing the animals and we even became zoo members so that we could come back whenever we wanted! Janie still gets in free until she turns three, which I cannot believe are even words coming out of my mouth...

We only saw "sleepy cats"

They were impossible to get a picture of today...

Elephants... Nora's favorite!

Janie's spirit animal.

"Mommy, why aren't they paying attention to me?" -Nora

The little navigators! They liked looking at the maps while we rode along.

It was a fun day! We're looking forward to using our membership to return soon.

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