Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloweek Day 2: Candy Corn

We had another fun day getting ready for Halloween! Today, the theme for the evening was candy corn!!


DRESS: The girls have some Jelly the Pug dresses that have mix-matched fabrics with Halloween things on them that I got for a really good price off of Zulily. I don't love everything that Jelly the Pug puts out, but there are a few things that they make that I really like. Their Halloween dresses this year (from zulily, so maybe not this year's styles?) were pretty cute.

FOOD: Tonight we made candy corn punch! I read about this recipe on Pinterest (of course!) where you could layer orange soda, yellow gatorade, and zero calorie vitamin water in a glass and it would look like a candy corn. I carefully followed the instructions and well, it just didn't work for me. But it was orange and the girls liked drinking it.

You can kind of see in my big glass the orange on the bottom 
and getting lighter towards the top... but not really.

We also made candy corn quesadillas. I put cheese on the inside and then some cheese on the outside (using two different colors) so that with the tortilla and two strips of cheese, the quesadilla looked like a candy corn (after being cut into triangle pieces). Janie wanted to eat a tortilla and cheese, but she didn't seem to like the idea of a cheese quesadilla... beats me! Nora did like hers a lot and asked for more.

FUN: We read the book "Spooky Pooky" and watched the movie about "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" before going to bed.  The girls got to plant their "magic" pumpkin seeds today at school. That means they might get pumpkins tomorrow!!

Nora got to carve a pumpkin in her classroom, too.

Up next: Witch & Spider night!

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