Thursday, December 12, 2013

Seeing Santa

We went to see Santa this year at the same place we went last year, a sweet little toy shop in Southlake called The Owl's Nest.

The official Santa picture for 2013!

My terrified little babe.

Last year I tried to go see Santa at North Park (along with everyone else) and ended up leaving with nothing. I gave this Santa a try and LOVED it. It was super easy to get to him and I could take my own pictures. Plus Nora loved him so that was definitely a perk!

Nora with Santa last Christmas.

She loved his beard!!

This year it was a little bit more hectic, but it was still a good experience (for me, at least...). We took our number and proceeded to play with some of the toys in the back of the store while we waited for our turn. It worked out GREAT having something for her to do while we waited!

Playing with Mimi at The Owl's Nest.

Workin' on the work bench.

They also had a live reindeer there that day for kids to check out, so we did. And Nora HATED it. I guess I'm not surprised since she is in a bit of a phase right now where she really doesn't like animals that she doesn't recognize. I guess it's part of her slightly apprehensive personality. 

In case you're wondering - stuffed reindeer, equally as frightening...

I figured that she would probably not enjoy Santa so much this year, for that reason specifically, and I was right. She wanted NOTHING to do with him. The people at The Owl's Nest and Santa knew just what to do, but it didn't make it any easier. Nora didn't want off of my lap and Santa had to basically sneak up behind her to get a decent shot.

This may have been when they pulled out the stuffed reindeer...

Mom, please don't let him near me!!

Either way, it was a fun experience that we just had to do! I think Santa still plans on bringing Nora gifts but we will see!

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