Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The LAST Bathroom Remodel

When we bought our house, we knew that it needed a little bit of updating. We started with the half bathroom downstairs. Pretty easy - did most of it ourselves. Then, the kitchen got a face lift. Then, we were forced to update the master bathroom when our shower pan failed. Phew!

That means there's just one bathroom left. The one that never gets used. The one that never even gets looked into.

Well, here we are with a baby on the way and it became time to start thinking about that last bathroom. After deciding that paying a contractor to do all of the work for a LOT of money, we decided to do most of the work ourselves, especially since plumbing was not something that needed to be worked on this time. Oh, and by "ourselves", I mean Justin and his dad (thanks, Bob!)

After the cabinet was taken out and wallpaper ripped down. 

All tile removed from the shower walls. 

Drew helped, too. Such a good neighbor!!!

So far, everything has been ripped out and some hardy board has been put down on the shower walls and the floor.

Next step is tile, if only we could pick one out! I'll keep you posted...

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