Sunday, May 13, 2012

Krista Baker, BSN

I have the best little sister ever! We've always been great friends...

When I went to college eight years ago, she was about to start high school. I remember thinking how so strange it was for her to be looking like this...

And then, before I knew it she was graduating from high school and going to college!

It was really windy that day, remember?? We were all so proud that she had gotten in to UTA and was going into nursing.

Well, it happened again. Time FLEW by and yesterday, my baby sister graduated from college!!!

Krista now officially has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Texas at Arlington (which has an AWESOME nursing program).

Our grandpa came into town from Illinois and her boyfriend Collin and his parents spent the day with us as we watched her participate in two different ceremonies: her pinning and then her graduation. Here's a little video of her pinning:

Mom and dad got to pin her on stage. Dad was a trooper all day with his crutches. I hope his eyes were open in the official photographer's picture... this was the best I got. Afterwards we went back to mom and dads for lunch and relaxation. But then in the afternoon, it was time to get official!!

Doesn't she look happy?? We had a mini photo session afterwards, during which my camera died. Here's a few good ones though maybe after my mom shares with me I can add more.

Krista and Collin

The family

Krista's cute hat

Congratulations, Krista!! We are all so proud!!! You will be an AWESOME nurse!!

Now, enjoy your month off before the real world starts!! (Krista accepted a job on the transplant floor at Methodist Dallas Medical Center this week - praise God!)

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