Monday, May 7, 2012

Busy Times Begin

May always gets quite busy in the life of a teacher. We are only one week into the month and I am already overwhelmed by what has happened and what is scheduled to happen both at school and outside of school!

First, an update about my dad... he had a little knee accident playing softball that required an ambulance ride, surgery, and a hospital stay. I wish I had the video that we made while in the hospital (Krista?? LOL). He is doing better and going to try to get back to work this week, but it was quite an adjustment to his active lifestyle at first. Never take advantage of the little things like taking showers, driving a car, and mowing the yard.

I had my first baby shower at the end of April! The sweet parents from my kindergarten class put together a shower that was just perfect! My mom, Justin's mom, and my sister were able to come, too. Here is the only picture that I have so far!

We worked on the nursery a bit this weekend, too! Here are the updates in pics...

After we worked on painting the original changing table, we decided to go a different direction. I spent HOURS looking through Craigslist for a dresser that was the perfect size and style and FINALLY found one this past week. Here it is!

This weekend, we sanded the dresser, gave it two coats of primer, and then added a coat plus of coral paint and...

I LOVE how it turned out!! Justin was a little apprehensive about the pink at first, but he came around. It is the ONLY pink in the room right now, so I think that we're doing pretty well. 
I got the crystal knobs from Hobby Lobby but splurged on the two aqua flowers from Anthropologie. I couldn't help myself! I am finally feeling like we have a nursery coming together.

We got to celebrate Kathy's birthday this past Sunday. I have no pictures... but we had fun! And then today, Kathy and I went to my sonogram appointment. We had fun trying to figure out where all of Nora's arms and legs were and watching her move around. Here are some pictures! 

So.... who do we think she looks like more?? 

Coming soon: our 3rd anniversary, Krista's college graduation, my Grandpa visiting, Mother's Day (my first!!), and my dad's birthday (see what I mean about BUSY?!? And this only gets us to the middle of May PHEW!!) At least Ford helps me sweep the floors...

Hehe! Stay tuned...

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