Saturday, November 24, 2012


I love having a week off for Thanksgiving. {sigh}

We have had quite the productive week... Justin took off work this week, too so we have been hanging around the house together and taking care of business!

1. We rearranged some furniture in the house.

2. Justin worked on a couple of projects that would have taken me forever to complete. I bought this desk on Craigslist forever ago and had big plans to update it. Hadn't happened... until this week! Also, a little Pinterest art project that required wood cutting, white washing, and screwing/nailing boards together... coming along! I will have to share pictures once I get to finishing decorating them...

3. I put out (most) of the Christmas decorations. I really had quite the internal struggle going on since it is STILL November and it is ridiculously EARLY (seriously, you don't have to tell me...) BUT if I do not do it now, I do not know when it will happen. And I LOVE Christmas. And Christmas decorations. They make me super happy and I wish they could stay up all year. (I know they can't, you don't have to tell me that, either!) I would like to put the lights up outside, but that hasn't happened yet and it's not high on my priority list. And for the record... we would be the 5th house on the street to have their lights out if I did it today.

4. I made LOTS of food. Green bean bundles, two pumpkin pies, chocolate chip cheesecake cookies, stuffing, cranberry apple crisp, and a green bean casserole. Plus, I managed to get the kitchen cleaned up entirely. You should see it... you would never know that I was a baking/cooking fiend this week. 

5. We had Thanksgiving on Thursday with Justin's family. Josie is back in town from Savannah, so it was good to see her for the first time in awhile! 

6. We had Thanksgiving with my family on Friday. One reason I did so much cooking was because we threw this together kind of last minute. My dad had eye surgery last week and couldn't travel (as they planned on doing over the week). He's doing better and recovering well, it seems! He still has at least until Wednesday of "face-down" time...

7. I went Black Friday shopping. With Nora. Okay... this wasn't as big of a deal as it might sound. We went to Target, Bath and Body Works, and Old Navy and it was at 1:00 in the afternoon. Old Navy was a ZOO so we didn't stay long but other than that, it was pretty mild and I got some good deals!

8. I took Ford to the vet. Again. Good grief little dog. Long story short... he is still itching. This time it's not cancer. Or fleas. Or allergies. Or a skin infection. It's dry skin and we just can't seem to get it un-dry. I just feel as if we need to keep making sure it is not something from the list above, which it has been at one time or another in the last 3 months. Ugh.

9. I went to work & got everything situated for next week! I am very thankful that I had the time to get up there this week and take care of that.

We will probably just relax and enjoy the next few days with Nora before we both have to go back to work on Monday.

Here are some pictures of Nora in the cute little onesie that I am glad I decided to make and not spend $20 on since all she did was eat it. I thought I could get two days out of it but that surely didn't happen. I could hardly stand two hours of her wearing it!!

 That is the smiley little face I look forward to seeing every day!!

My love.

Too funny not to post!

There's Nora, licking her turkey. 

What mom? You got a problem with me eating this thing?


And lastly, here is a little video I took when Nora was being talkative. The first few seconds are the best. The rest just ended up being me talking to her, but enjoy the first little bit! She's such a cutie, if I do say so myself!! 


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