Monday, August 25, 2014

Back To School

This past week we were officially back to school for the year! Although it still feels like summer in Texas (and probably will through October) I had a sweet new group of students walk through the door on Monday. It's been a busy, long week. I can't believe it was just one, really.

When Monday morning finally rolled around, Nora was entirely uncooperative. She didn't want to put on her clothes. She didn't want to brush her teeth. Or let me do her hair. So, when I wanted to take a picture for the first day of school, I got this:

Trust me Nora: I feel the same way.

I mean, it does stink to have to wake up a baby that looks like this:

They were both sleeping like rocks...

Of course, Janie was just fine. When I told Nora we were going to school in daddy's car, things turned around for her. I didn't get a smile, but at least a better "first day of school" picture of Nora.

Cute enough for mommy!

I had every intention of getting them both in a picture, but it just wasn't meant to be. Nora wasn't in much of a cooperative mood. And I was on my own with both babes. Also, I thought Janie would wear this outfit since Nora wore it last year on her first day. Well, it must have been big on Nora last year because there was NO way it would fit Janie this year and turns out, it still kind of fits Nora! 

...Oh, well.

The important thing is Nora had a great day at Primrose in her Early Pre-School Class and brought home this cute little magnet for our refrigerator...

That's my sweet girl!

Here's to hoping that the second week isn't quite so hard on any of us!

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