Sunday, August 31, 2014

Eight Months

Janie is now eight months old!

 And... this is the best one I got with her sticker!

My sweet baby girl has been doing lots of growing up. One month ago, she couldn't crawl, sit up on her own, or pull herself to stand. Now she does all of those things! One month ago, she didn't have any teeth and now she has two! One month ago, she wasn't really talking, just voicing vowel sounds, and now she uses quite a few different babbles. It is crazy how fast it changes. It seems like every day that passes, she gets bigger & faster. In fact, she's not much for staying still these days and my little photo session with her will reflect that. I took about 100 pictures and maybe 10 of them weren't blurry.

But, she's happy! All the time!

We struggled a bit this month with Janie's diet. Janie had some ugly diapers right after she started back at school (second week in August) and so I figured she had picked up a little virus. After waiting a bit and seeing the doctor, we used soy formula since it's easier on her tummy until her diapers were back to normal. Well, they got better and we went back to her regular formula after about a week or week and a half. Shortly after that, she started to have more issues, so we began to wonder if she was having issues with her formula as opposed to a virus. The doctor agreed and thinks Janie probably has a lactose intolerance (that hopefully she will outgrow) and to keep her on soy formula until she's a bit older. So, hopefully it's not a big deal later, but for now Janie is dairy-free until further notice!

Other updates since month seven:

Takes four 7-ounce bottles each day We've kept the size of the bottles the same, though now are on soy, as mentioned above. We will see what Dr. B. has to say when we go back for Janie's 9 month visit in October. Janie has gotten very good at holding her bottle on her own. We sometimes give her the freedom to feed herself when we are busy with other things, like packing the girls up to go to school or making a meal for the family.

Eats pureed veggies & fruits Janie's solid food diet was kind of stalled when we had diaper issues this month. I didn't want to introduce any new foods until she was back to normal and so for a few weeks, she hasn't gotten anything other than what we already had prepared. Since I am feeling more comfortable with her diet now, I am starting some new foods! We will try oatmeal, peaches, plums, and zucchini before next month, hopefully! And Primrose has said we can bring our own food in from home so we will start to do that next week for breakfast & lunch. 

Hopefully one of the last batches of purees! 
I'm hoping Janie will be able to eat soft pieces in the next  month or two.

Drinks water from a sippy cup (kind of) Janie isn't great about drinking from her cup still, but we will continue to try it! I must admit I haven't been consistent about giving her the opportunity to drink from one, but we're going to be more adamant beginning NOW.

Sleeps about 12 hours each night Janie is still sleeping very well at night. She sleeps on her tummy (always) and under a blanket. She likes to be a cozy little thing.

Takes three ~1 1/2 hour naps a day I keep waiting for Janie to drop a nap. Since starting back at Primrose, she doesn't take consistent naps each day so it's hard to figure out where she is going with her naps. Then, on the weekends, she wakes up at different times of day and if her morning nap is especially long, it throws us all off schedule. So basically, she is not on any kind of consistent nap schedule these days. When home all day, I hope to get her to take 2 good naps: a morning and an early afternoon; and then maybe a cat nap before dinner if she needs it. 

Sucks her thumb to self-soothe Janie will still do this, only when she knows it is time to sleep. It's funny to see her throw that thumb in her mouth the second you turn off the lights and on the sound machine and sit in the rocking chair. She just knows. Occasionally when she is really tired, she will suck on her thumb on her own, outside of her bedroom. Since Nora dropped her pacifier and never sucked on her thumb, I am curious to see how this plays out. I know she's still young and she only really does it at nap time, but ya know... I still wonder.

This is how I sleep.

Pulls herself around using arms This is still Janie's preferred method of getting around. I have seen her use her knees to crawl, but she knows she is faster when she uses her arms and pulls her weight behind her. And man, is she fast when she wants to be! We really have to make sure things aren't left out that she could choke on and be mindful of where she is now since she will get herself anywhere she wants now!


Sits alone Janie can now sit up on her own when she wants to. So she will go from crawling to sitting, back to crawling, and then sitting, over and over until she wants to be picked up. Or fed. Or put to sleep. And she's been pulling herself up to standing on her own for a week or two. Just this morning, she pulled herself up to standing in her crib for the first time so now we have the lowest setting on the mattress in her crib!

I sit up by myself!

Moves toys from hand to hand Janie will carry toys with her around the house now that she can crawl. She will find something she likes and bring it over to show you in the next room. Or carry it with her to a diaper change. 

I brought this toy with me!

Drops toys on purpose This is still a favorite game of Janie's. And now, Nora likes to play along. Of course, she thinks it is hilarious when Janie drops a toy, she gives it back to her, and then Janie drops it again but little does she know that Janie is doing it on purpose and she is just feeding into her little plan! It's fun to see them play and laugh together, though.

We love watching them play together!

No teeth yet! Janie cut her first tooth and the second one came shortly after so she now has TWO teeth. She's begun drooling a bit more this past week, so there may be more coming, but who knows when!

Talks, but no babbling yet We hear "da" and "ba" and sometimes "ma" out of Janie's mouth lately, along with lots of screeches and squeals, much to Nora's delight. Justin and I have been working on "dada" and "mama" but she hasn't committed to a first word quite yet.

Talking to mommy.

Plays with her mouth & lips Razzing is by far one of Janie's favorite things to do. She makes a big slobbery mess when she does it. We're trying with all our might to keep Nora from mimicking her, but we will see what happens! That and splashing in the bath tub. It's funny & cute when Janie does it but again, we don't want Nora to start making big splashes for fun in the tub! 

Wears size 3 diapers Size three it is for now!

Wears 6-12 month clothing I don't anticipate her growing out of her 6-12 month clothing until closer to her birthday. I will need to look into holiday outfits for Janie since Nora's first Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas were all before she was 4 months old, meaning NOTHING will fit Janie on her first go-around. Yay shopping!


This month:

Drinks four soy bottles each day
Eats pureed veggies & fruits
Drinks water from a sippy cup (kind of)
Takes two or three naps a day
Sucks her thumb before sleeping
Can crawl but chooses army crawling
Sits up on her own
Pulls herself to standing
Carries toys around with her
Has two teeth
Wears size 3 diapers
Wears 6-12 month clothing

One other thing... I posted about her helmet journey when she was dismissed from physical therapy this past month, but I thought it was worth mentioning that the one other big change for Janie this month was that she is officially done with her therapies for plagiocephaly & torticollis! Yay Janie!

My sweet baby girl.

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