Friday, August 1, 2014

Summer Week Eight

This week was my catch-up time at home between our week in Michigan and my weekend in San Diego. I had just enough time to unpack, do laundry, and pack again in the 10 days or so that I had in town.

Also, my birthday was on the 25th so we celebrated a little at a time throughout the weekend.

I unexpectedly got to see some friends from work and had dinner with them on my birthday. I love getting to catch up with them since I don't see them throughout the summer very often! Although it is slightly painful to say, I get excited to go back to work when I am around them! We need our time off, but we sure do get along and it is one of the things I love most about where I work.

Justin and I took the girls to Braum's for some ice cream on Saturday and then we went to dinner & a movie on Sunday to celebrate my turning 28. Nora has added "Happy Birthday" to her selection of bedtime songs since her Auntie K's birthday on June 12th but she refused to sing happy birthday to mommy all weekend. So much to my disappointment, I do not have a cute video of her singing to me for my birthday. Bummer! I do have just one picture to remember 28 by:

Me and the babes at Braum's.

It may be just one, but man, are those kids cute! I think I'll keep it.

Other than birthday celebrations, it was a pretty low-key week. I finished up some projects around the house for the bachelorette weekend in California and packed up my bag before leaving SUPER early on Friday morning!

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