Friday, October 31, 2014

Ten Months

Oh, man. I'm beginning to DREAD these monthly posts. And not because it takes me an hour or more to get them done but because it is a constant reminder that my baby is about to be a toddler. I mean, do I really HAVE to start thinking about her birthday party already? Seems crazy. Wish me luck...

Janie at 10 months old

Drinks 4 bottles of soy formula We're on four bottles still. I do not anticipate a change in bottles or formula before she turns one. We are still strictly no dairy until then.

Eats pureed fruits & veggies, and grains We did introduce meats since I last updated. So far, Janie will eat just about anything that we give her. The meats were not taken well with Nora and although we have only tried once or twice with Janie, she has eaten it. At least in the minimal amounts we've given her. Seriously - pureed meats are AWFUL. Good news and bad news on the finger food front... Good news is that Janie is eating puffs a lot better than she did a few weeks ago. She can throw down a ton of those little guys. The bad news is that I gave her one little mushy potato once and that was a complete disaster. So, we will hopefully slowly make progress towards those finger foods with a little more practice on the puffs...

Is working on using a sippy cup I do not see much progress here, though they are using one at school every day and say she does okay with it! Time will tell...

Takes 2 long naps or 3 short naps a day She is still on this same nap schedule. The good news about her short nap days (week days) are that she doesn't seem to mind them if she is attended to. Janie needs about 12-13 hours of sleep a night.

Where's Janie?

Sucks her thumb when sleepy I've noticed that Janie is doing this little head rub while she sucks on her thumb these days. She started grabbing at her hair a while back but I didn't start to put it together that she always simultaneously rubs her hair while she sucks her thumb until just recently. It's her thing, I guess. She even has her hand on her head half the time she is sleeping!

Crawls on all fours The girl has gotten quick. And you can hear her from a mile away slap-slapping on the ground with her hands as she races towards you. But don't get out of sight while she works on crawling towards you or a mini-trantrum will ensue!

Moves from sitting to crawling easily Janie's favorite thing to do these days is walk while holding onto furniture. She creeps along and moves between furniture, too - if she can.

Look at me Mom!

Stands and creeps along furniture Janie is moving around a lot. And she loves it. She will not be an early walker by any means, but she has the determination and I'm sure it won't be too, too long before she tries to stand on her own. She loves to follow Nora around the house and get into whatever she is doing.

Exhibit A: Puzzles
This was AFTER Janie decided to play with puzzles because Nora was. 
And AFTER Janie made Nora mad because she was grabbing at her puzzle.
And AFTER we got Janie her own puzzle to play with. 
Nora has made the farm puzzle "Janie's" puzzle.

Has 2 teeth There is another tooth trying to get through on the top. I remember those two front teeth specifically taking awhile to come down with Nora, so maybe that's the hold up? Soon enough she will have some more! Maybe by month 12??

Says "mamama" & "dadada" I swear Janie says "more" sometimes, too. Janie is trying to communicate when she is upset, too - usually with some loud yell-like sound!

Signs "all done" and "more" Still signing "more" and "all done" when she is eating. We haven't pushed other signs yet but she is getting pretty good at those!

Janie signing for more food.

Claps, waves, points, and blows kisses Today, I did a one finger inchworm-like wave and I swear Janie tried to mimic it. She loves to point in books and I love it when she blows kisses. She even makes an "mmmm" sound before she does it. So cute!!

Janie blowing kisses. MWA!

My baby girl is growing so fast! I love how happy & smiley she is!

Her ten month snapshot:

Drinks 4 bottles of soy formula
Eats three meals of purees plus one snack, usually puffs
Takes 2 naps a day
Sucks her thumb & rubs her head
Crawls quickly
Moves between furniture
Tries to stand alone, mostly unsuccessfully
Has 2.5 teeth
Talks in baby babble with ma's, da's, and ga's
Signs "all done" and "more"
Claps, waves, points, and blows kisses
Bounces when she is excited, especially at pick up
Loves & follows her big sister Nora

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