Sunday, November 2, 2014

Oh, Nora

Nora surprises us every day with something: how much she knows, how much she remembers, what she repeats, the stories she tells, the tantrums she throws, what makes her upset, the amount she loves her baby doll... The list goes on.

Nora and Baby Jo aka Nora's official "I have to take it everywhere" toy

She is really vocalizing her feelings - happy or sad - and also wanting more independence - "I do it mommy." She has opinions. About everything. I can't tell you how many times in the car ride to or from school I hear a sentence that starts with "I want the..." It usually ends with bar, juice, book, phone (play phone), baby Jo, bag, sock - anything, really. She doesn't always want to eat what we give her. She asks for ketchup at every other meal. She wants a certain parent to put her to bed (usually mommy) and to get her out of the car (again, usually mommy). She (thankfully) has not started to want to pick out her own clothing but she has started showing interest in choosing her own bows and shoes. She does NOT want to use the potty. Then again, she doesn't want to use her diaper either...

Nora definitely has preferred activities, though. She loves to read books. She has to have one in her bed with her every night. We're planning on redoing her room around the holidays this year and are seriously considering removing the chair but she loves to sit and read in it, so we'll see. We have books coming out of our ears at home, which we both love. She also loves her color books and stickers. We do a lot of coloring these days, though some days more than others.

She also loves completing puzzles. She likes to do all of her puzzles and is really good at them, even when the spaces are not defined for each piece. I know she likes to do puzzles at school, too. She is a champ in the puzzle department.

Nora saying the letters in her name.

Nora singing her ABC's while puzzling.

Nora loves listening to music in the car and sings songs to herself all the time. I think she makes some of them up, but I'm not entirely sure. She wants to listen to songs on repeat. I have listened to some songs over and over again for the entirety of the car ride home. Her most favorite song (and most requested) is "Shake It Off," which is only on mommy's phone.

Dancing to "Shake It Off"

Nora has started a lot more make believe play lately. She really likes to rock, sing to, and read to her babies. She makes them use the potty (even though she won't!!) and puts them to bed. She also likes to play in her kitchen. She will cook and go shopping with a big red bag. She will make us coffee and milk and bring us food to eat. She pretends to talk on the phone. Nora will play with the dolls in her doll house, too. She's a cutie!

Rocking her baby in the Bumbo chair.

Nora is going to move up to the next class at her daycare this week and next week. We are very curious to discover the new things she will do as she grows!

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