Monday, July 11, 2016

Seattle {Day Four}

Our last day in Seattle. It's been so fun! We decided to do the ferry boats. We weren't really inclined to keep them on our "must do" list, but we heard from at least 4-5 people to try the Bainbridge Island Ferry, so we decided to give it a go for our last day. We were going to meet family for dinner, so we just had a few hours.

We walked to the pier for the ferries and got our round trip tickets to Bainbridge Island, which were all of $8 so that's basically a steal! It was a 30 minute ride one way, so we got to enjoy just enough of the views and the water before arriving on the island.

We took the "Waterfront Trail" rather than going straight to downtown, which was a nice little break. There were not very many people on the trail other than us. We stopped at a pub along the water and enjoyed a drink & snack. After completing the trail, we walked to the downtown streets and wandered into a few shops. I learned that Kickee Pants was started on the island and Justin learned that you cannot buy a cheap pair of sunglasses while shopping there. Interestingly enough, there are tons of home furnishings stores in the downtown of this island. I guess people ship it home...

We found some crepes to munch on before heading back to the ferry dock. We hung out in the hotel until it was time to meet for dinner. I got to experience won tons {spelling?} for the first time and they were delicious! I love food...

We had an early train in the morning, so we went back and got ourselves ready for the next stop on our trip... Vancouver!

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