Monday, July 25, 2016

Turning Thirty

Thirty is here, y'all.

I tried to make a deal with Janie that we would freeze time and she could stay two forever and I would stay twenty-nine forever, but she didn't go for it. In fact, she called me old. Which is my fault really, because I told her I was going to be old tomorrow. And she hears and repeats everything. So we went to bed and I woke up thirty years old.

It's not that different, really. And a lot has happened in my life before turning thirty. A lot of things to celebrate. And to focus on the wonderful things that I've accomplished and lived since I last began a new decade, here are some of my top 30 moments from the last ten years:

1. Went to Scotland & England to visit Justin, who was studying abroad.
2. Completed my student teaching in Round Rock.
3. Graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. Hook 'em Horns!
4. Watched my little sister graduate from High School.
5. Graduation cruise with friends from college.
6. Moved into our first apartment together in Grapevine.
7. Started my first job teaching kindergarten.
8. Got engaged to Justin after 5 years of dating.
9. Bought and moved into our first house together in Grapevine.
10. Got married to Justin with friends and family present in Grapevine
11. Went to my first Dallas Cowboys football game.
12. Trips with Justin to Vail, Aspen, San Diego, San Fransisco {twice!}, Florida, Seattle, Canada & Mexico.
13. Attended weddings of many friends & family.
14. Said good-bye to beloved grandparents.
15. Watched Krista graduate from college & begin a career in nursing.
16. Celebrated our 1st-7th wedding anniversaries!
17. Found out we were expecting for the first time.
18. Bought my first car.
19. Wonderful baby showers from family & friends.
20. Welcomed baby girl Nora Lane to the world!!!
21. Ford becomes a cancer survivor!
22. Watched our parents hold their granddaughter for the first time, and our grandpas hold their great-granddaughter for the first time!
23. Surprised by baby #2. Wouldn't trade it for anything.
24. Nora is baptized.
25. Welcomed baby girl Janie Elizabeth to the world!!!
26. Janie is baptized.
27. Attend 10 year high-school reunion.
28. Sell our first house, where we brought our babies home to!
29. Say goodbye to my first doggy ever, Bartley Bad-Dog Baker.
30. Bought our second home!

So much to celebrate! I am thankful for the many adventures I've had so far and am really looking forward to the next thirty years, though time could slow down a bit... Here's how we celebrated 30 for me:

Nora had dance class, so Janie & I went birthday shopping for a little while!

Fun at mom & dad's.

Leave it to your little sister to get big, fun balloons!

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