Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to the Dallas Arboretum to check out the Pumpkin Village and other fun things with Grandma, Aunt Amy & Hunter, Aunt Angie and Marie! I had never been out there and was tempted to buy a membership when we left. Maybe if it was closer! I am thinking that the Grapevine Botanical Gardens needs to have an Autumn/Pumpkin festival, too... We walked around the pumpkin village and pumpkin patch and then we checked out the rest of the gardens and even listened to some live music!

There's my little pumpkin!! 

Thanks Aunt Angie for holding me up!

This was a prime opportunity for a photo sesh... which was obvious to just about everyone there. See the guy with the big camera behind us?? There were even professional photographers and people who brought props. Of course when I want to use my ACTUAL camera, it died before we left. I should just leave the battery on the charger when I'm not using it I guess... It was a good thing we took some pictures when we first got there while Nora was awake. Here's a few of the pictures I got! And let me just add how excited I am about holidays now that we have a daughter to share them with!!!

Nora and mommy at the pumpkin patch!

 Nora enjoying the walk through the gardens!

This walkway was so pretty! And then the camera died...

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