Sunday, November 30, 2014

Eleven Months

I almost decided to not do an eleven month post.

Reason Number 1: Although I have scheduled this entry to post on her actual eleven month birthday, it is being written waaaay closer to her actual first birthday.

Reason Number 2: These posts are a lot of work.

Reason Number 3: It really upsets me having to write about my baby growing up. 

I know you're tired of hearing that last one but seriously... it is on my mind a lot lately. Even more so than usual since I am planning a first birthday party. And now that Janie is doing more and more things that babies don't do until they are almost toddlers it makes it more of a reality. It's a good thing. She's supposed to grow up. I'm just not sure that I will get another chance at a baby. I would really like one {or two} but we are not discussing or contemplating any more children at this point in time. I just need to get past this emotional hurdle and I'll be able to move on. I think... 

Janie has made some big changes in some areas and no changes in others. She is a little ball of personality and is not quiet about it one bit. But, she is lovely.

Drinks 4 bottles of soy formula No change here, and this won't change until we see her pediatrician in January about her diet.

Eats three meals of purees plus one snack, usually puffs Over the course of the last month, Janie got sick with an ear & sinus infection. While she had that, she wasn't wanting to eat as much. She didn't drink her bottles and she refused some of her purees. I know she had trouble breathing out of her nose, making drinking difficult, so I chalked up most of her refusal to eat to that. But the thing is, when it started to clear, she still didn't really want her purees. We had been giving her lots more table foods and I think she just wanted to feed herself. So... we went with it. We have stopped purees and are strictly on table foods now. It's going pretty well. Janie will eat most anything we give her, though as with most babies, about half of it ends up on the floor. Or on her face. Or in her lap. It's a fun stage, that self-feeding... I don't mean that. HA! I am happy that we can start giving her whatever we are eating, with the exception of dairy. Hopefully that will change soon!

Getting food IN your mouth can be a challenge...

Takes 2 naps a day Two naps it is. I think the goal is that she should be on one nap after her first birthday, or sometime close to it. I'm pretty sure Janie could handle that a little better than Nora could when she was this age, but Janie still enjoys her sleep and I'm not about to take that away from her!

Sucks her thumb & rubs her head I'd like to think that one day Janie will just stop sucking her thumb but the longer she does it, the more I worry that she will have a bad habit to break down the road. She still likes to self-soothe by simultaneously sucking her thumb and rubbing on her hair. That's her tell when she's sleepy.

Crawls quickly Crawling is Janie's preferred method of getting around. When she wants to get somewhere, she crawls and she gets there fast. But... she has started to take steps. She is not brave enough to try walking on her own, say between pieces of furniture or anything, but she will walk to mommy if it is a short distance. She LOVES it and I do think it is great but it is also quite terrifying! Every day she gets a little bit better at walking on her own. It's just a matter of time!

Moves between furniture Janie is very good at moving between close pieces of furniture, like moving around the table between all of the chairs, or around the coffee table with the couch.

Tries to stand alone, mostly unsuccessfully She can stand on her own quite well now. I will find her doing so on her own, too. She will crawl over to the fridge to play with the magnets and stand up and just play, not holding on to anything, but just standing. She loves being a big girl!

Has 2.5 teeth Janie has had not one tooth on top break through but 4. She has also been drooling a TON lately. I'm not sure if the bottoms are coming in as well or if she's just moving the top ones down. They've all cut through on top so I am thinking there may be more coming in the next month or two! Poor baby girl! The good thing is that it doesn't seem to bother her, other than the constant drooling which leads to chapped baby face. Bothers me more...

Talks in baby babble with ma's, da's, and ga's Janie girl will tell you stories. She loves to talk! She will stop mid-bottle and tell you a little bit, drink some more, and just keep on telling while she drinks her bottle. I can only assume that she will be the child who won't finish their lunch because she was talking too much. I have heard her "sing" once or twice lately. Nothing recognizable of course, but connecting her babble with a little melody of sorts. It was super cute. I hope to get a video of it some time soon!

Signs "all done" and "more" Janie isn't signing anything more than these though we have been working on "up" and "eat" with her. She is also choosing to more so yell when she wants more food rather than signing it. I kind of don't blame her. She probably needs to do that to get our attention for more food! She definitely knows how to sign more, though, so we keep encouraging it!

Claps, waves, points, and blows kisses Janie also really loves to play Peek-A-Boo. And mostly while she's eating, leaving lots of yummy food all over her face and in her hair. Lovely. But... adorable. And since Janie does it and gets attention, guess who also likes to play Peek-A-Boo... Nora! This is also true for the walking. I know this will come as a surprise to you all, but Nora can walk a few steps to mommy, too!!

Playing Peek-A-Boo!

Bounces when she is excited, especially at pick up Janie LOVES her momma! When I leave the room or put her down - oh, man. She is a mommy's girl. She bounces when I hold her. She screams when I leave her or put her down, or go out of sight. She also gives me hugs when I hold her. At least, that's what I'm calling them. She will randomly lay her head down on my shoulder. And then look up. And then do it again, and again. It's very sweet. Sometimes she is a little aggressive with her hugs and whacks me in the chin with her head, but she is a sweet little snuggly baby and I can take a hit every now and then for that!

Loves & follows her big sister Nora Janie does love her sister, too. She wants to play with everything that Nora does. This is fine except for that it is what Nora is playing with. If Nora is into it, all is great. If not, Nora gets upset. But Janie will follow her around nonetheless. Janie laughs at Nora. She loves her hair. Janie has a thing with hair. She pulls on mine constantly, too... I think both Nora and I are looking forward to a day when they can have a pretend tea party together.

As a wrap up, at eleven months Janie...

Drinks 4 bottles of soy formula
Eats three meals plus snacks of table foods
Takes 2 naps a day
Sucks her thumb & rubs her head
Prefers crawling
Can take a few steps 
Moves between furniture
Stands alone
Has 6 teeth
Talks in baby babble with ma's, da's, and ga's
Signs "all done" and "more"
Plays Peek-A-Boo
Gives hugs & blows kisses
Loves her mommy
Loves & follows her big sister Nora

Janie is a growing girl and her next post will be her last in her first year! I cannot believe it!!!

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