Saturday, October 31, 2015


Despite all the rain we had the week of Halloween, the day itself wasn't too bad. It did rain a little in the morning, but we were able to go trick or treating out in the neighborhood with no problems!

Nora's Halloween costumes through the years!

Janie's Halloween costumes through the years!

Like we did last year, we went to our friends house for a Halloween get together in a neighborhood that is really great for young kids to bee-bop around in. We had chili & hung out until it started to get dark & was time to put on those costumes one last time for a stroll around the neighborhood!

The girls were very excited to get their costumes on (again) and were ready to go out and get some candy!! This year, the girls were Rainbow Brite & her sprite Twink. I think I may not have too much longer to control the costume decisions, but obviously this year I did! I loved Rainbow Brite growing up & I thought this was a cute way to coordinate the girls without one of them (Janie) having to be say... the lion to Nora's Dorothy. Or the wolf to Nora's Little Red Riding Hood. You get the idea. I thought it was a pretty good trade-off. They both get to be colorful & cute!!

Halloween buckets on heads.

It's so hard to get a picture when we're so excited!!!!

Twink & Rainbow Brite

A family photo!

All the neighborhood kids... and us.

We went around the neighborhood & Nora LOVED walking house to house and ringing the door bell. Poor Janie couldn't keep up with all the bigger kids. She tried really hard but got frustrated, sometimes just sitting down right in the middle of the sidewalk. After we would leave a house she would yell, "Where's my sister??" and then when she saw her, far and away up the sidewalk, she would then yell, "She's runnin-in-in-in away!!!" She ended up going to bed before the trick or treating came to an official end. After awhile, Nora didn't want to hold her bucket (it was getting pretty full) and so it was time to make it back to the house.

We hung outside and played until Nora got so sleepy that she asked to go home and go to bed. So we packed up our candy and our costumes, grabbed Janie, loaded up the car, and within one minute - I kid you not - she was out. It's all of a three minute drive to our house.

Janie Twink loved the tree swing in the front yard!

It was a great Halloween night and the girls have been talking about things that are "spooky" ever since! They are a happy pair, those two!


The great thing about Halloween is that the next day was Daylight Savings Time, which means that it was a mess for the girls because well, toddlers don't do this "Daylight Savings Time". Needless to say, the next day we ended up having some down time on blankets on the floor and probably a few melt downs. We also finally got to going through our candy a few days later. The girls each picked a few pieces of candy to keep (Janie went for the lollipops by the handful like the crazed toddler she is) while Nora carefully selected each and every piece proving that she is in fact a clone of her mother...), but we left the rest for the Switch Witch and got some cool Peppa Pig books! WOO HOO! The girls couldn't be happier. And in case you're wondering what kind of a terrible mom I am for taking away their Halloween candy, they didn't really ask for any of it after a day or two! I guess they haven't figured out the greatness that is chocolate...

Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloweek Day 4: Halloween Eve

It was the last day before Halloween & we had a busy evening planned, naturally.

DRESS: The girls wore another Jelly the Pug dress to school, but they took their costumes with them as they had a parade at the end of the day in their costumes!

FOOD: We got a jack o' lantern shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's to make at home. Yum! I also had to get the s'mores dessert pizza while I was there because it looked too good to pass up!

FUN: We went to watch the girls in their costume parade! It was raining all day, but there was a part in the clouds for about 30 minutes, so we got to see them walk around the drive outside. We finished the night with watching the movie "Hocus Pocus" as a family and snuggled up on the couch!

We are ready for Halloween!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloweek Day 3: Witches & Spiders

We have dance class mid-week and we didn't get anything fun done after dance class - too busy & ran out of time, so Halloweek will be shortened a bit.

The girls did get to pick out their pumpkin from the Primrose Patch, though! They wore their cute Crazy 8 shirts & leggings.

Making a spider at school!


DRESS: The girls wore shirts that they already had! Janie's was Nora's from last year and it was from Carters while Nora's was an Old Navy shirt that I got for sale last year after Halloween. It was a little big, but she was able to wear it. They both referenced being "scary cute" so that was fun! Nora also has a pair of Jack O' Lantern leggings from Dandy Lion Co. that she wore with her cute shirt! We love them (and have two pairs now - one with pink) & I think they will fit next year, too!

FOOD: We made spider sandwiches. I cut circles out of some PB&J sandwiches using the end of a glass. Not pretty, but it worked. Then we added pretzel legs and chocolate chip eyes and that was that! It was an easier dinner and I appreciated that. I had plans to also make cheese stick broomsticks but that just didn't happen.

Eyes & legs EVERYWHERE

Eyes & legs all in rows!

FUN: We made spiders out of styrofoam balls! I already had black paint, but had to pick up styrofoam balls, black pipe cleaners & stick-on google eyes. I helped the girls paint their spiders black. After they dried, we added the legs, which was harder than I thought, but they both liked sticking their google eyes on there. I thought it was interesting that both of their spiders (sandwich & craft) turned out differently, and each like them.

Janie painting at school. So cute!!

We also read Room on the Broom & watched the movie Room on the Broom, which was also free on Amazon with our Prime membership! The girls really liked Room on the Broom and I have caught Nora playing the "game" she calls "Room on the Broom" around the house since then!

We also had a Chili cook off at school & my team won!! 
We had a tailgate theme for our cookout & had lots of fun!

Up next: Halloween EVE!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloweek Day 2: Candy Corn

We had another fun day getting ready for Halloween! Today, the theme for the evening was candy corn!!


DRESS: The girls have some Jelly the Pug dresses that have mix-matched fabrics with Halloween things on them that I got for a really good price off of Zulily. I don't love everything that Jelly the Pug puts out, but there are a few things that they make that I really like. Their Halloween dresses this year (from zulily, so maybe not this year's styles?) were pretty cute.

FOOD: Tonight we made candy corn punch! I read about this recipe on Pinterest (of course!) where you could layer orange soda, yellow gatorade, and zero calorie vitamin water in a glass and it would look like a candy corn. I carefully followed the instructions and well, it just didn't work for me. But it was orange and the girls liked drinking it.

You can kind of see in my big glass the orange on the bottom 
and getting lighter towards the top... but not really.

We also made candy corn quesadillas. I put cheese on the inside and then some cheese on the outside (using two different colors) so that with the tortilla and two strips of cheese, the quesadilla looked like a candy corn (after being cut into triangle pieces). Janie wanted to eat a tortilla and cheese, but she didn't seem to like the idea of a cheese quesadilla... beats me! Nora did like hers a lot and asked for more.

FUN: We read the book "Spooky Pooky" and watched the movie about "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" before going to bed.  The girls got to plant their "magic" pumpkin seeds today at school. That means they might get pumpkins tomorrow!!

Nora got to carve a pumpkin in her classroom, too.

Up next: Witch & Spider night!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Halloweek Day 1: Ghosts & Goblins

I We love holidays here at the Peipert house!! And it is officially the countdown to Halloween, so we're doing it right with festive clothes, food, & fun every day!!

The girls are also doing some cute things at school this week that I will put in here as well, but I do not take credit for the fun things that they do while at Primrose!! 


DRESS: Today, the girls wore their Eleanor Rose dresses. If you have a little girl or a little granddaughter and don't already know about Eleanor Rose, you need to take my advice and go check it out now. It's kind of like competitive shopping, but their stuff is super cute, well made, and pretty affordable compared to boutique brands! 

FOOD: For dinner, we made "mummy-dogs" which are essentially hot dogs wrapped in crescent roll strips. The girls only kind of ate them, so it was a good thing we only made four. But my kids are very hit and miss on hot dogs in general, so that was expected.

We also made ghosts in a graveyard using a pudding cup, crushed oreos, a candy pumpkin, and a ghost peep. That, Nora had no trouble finishing. Janie made a big mess and to my surprise didn't each much more than the cookie crumbles!

FUN: We read a Halloween "touch & feel" book and made little painted ghost feet using some white paint and black & purple paper. The girls let me paint their feet, press it to the paper, and then set aside. I just cleaned their feet with a baby wipe. After the paint had dried, I just cut around it & added eyes and a mouth with a sharpie, as well as their names and the year. They turned out cute! We watched the movie "Witches in Stitches" online (it was free on Amazon movies with our Prime membership). The girls watched it but I will have to admit it wasn't my favorite movie. Very kid appropriate, though.

How hilarious is this picture!!! Janie looking at pumpkins through a magnifying glass at school.

Up tomorrow: Candy Corn Night!