Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekend Wrap: State Fair

This weekend we had a pretty casual Saturday and stayed close to home with nothing too monumental planned. I took Janie out to run some errands with me which I think we both enjoyed!

Sunday we took a big outing to the Texas State Fair. It was the very last day to go to enjoy the food, games, shows, & fun!

We got there a little bit after ten and knew we had to get a snack first. We got a Fletcher's corny dog & some funnel cake fries and then ventured off to see Big Tex.

It's the State Fair; you have to post pictures of your food!

We found him pretty easily & took a picture, of course! Nora LOVED seeing him and listening to him talk.

After seeing Big Tex we headed toward the dog show. We got to see dogs jump really high, run fast & catch frisbees, do some flips, and race around a track that included this tunnel sort of thing, kind of like the girls have themselves! Nora liked watching the dogs do their tricks. Janie was just kind of into it. She was more into trying to climb on the seats on her own.

We headed towards the barnyard animal petting zoo after that. The girls liked watching the animals and trying to feed each of them. As it turns out, the animals probably had a bit too much of the fair and most of them did not want to be fed. There was this tiny horse that was laying down on the ground, totally sprawled out, with a HUGE belly & just panting. I kind of felt bad for it!!

After the barnyard animals, we started losing Janie. She was super tired & wasn't very cooperative so she had to be "strollered". We found some mini corn dogs for the girls to share as we strolled towards the ferris wheel, which Nora had her eye on from the moment we got there.

Unfortunately, the line was really long & we knew Janie couldn't handle the wait so we had to pass on the "windmill" this time around. We were a little nervous that Nora would get upset at the top of it anyways, so maybe we will try a smaller one before next year's fair.

Fried cookies & cream

We all headed home {mostly} happy & had fun at the State Fair this year! There was so much more to see so I am already looking forward to being able to stay a bit longer next year!

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